Hi All:Wow, two posts in a day. John Dinsmore took this photo up there.
As we walked into the
Hotel Congress, John Coverntino (Giant Sand / Calexico) was loading his drums out from a video shoot.
Good looking truck,
In an effort to negotiate a better relationship with my own web-site, here I am updating my web-site with a greater frequency.
We are in Tucson, Howe is in Denmark, the Hotel Congress is our home for the day.
Hey, look up. There I be eating breakfast. Megan from the Last Town Chorus took that there photo you see.
Enjoy the day people of earth,
Greetings from Santa Fe:Here we be in Sante Fe and I feel pretty spoiled on a day like this. Went running in the thin mountain air and felt pretty tired 5 minutes in.
Tour is going good and we are pretty darn lucky to be in the places we have been. Aspen, Boulder and now Sante Fe.
Off to Tucson tomorrow but sadly Howe left for Denmark last week, so no hiya to Howe this time around.
In tour news, I will be opening the European dates of this tour, so I have to dust off my brain for songs soon.
That is the quick hello.
New photo, so click on the photo section and see us in day off action. I think out tour manager Tom look particularly seasoned.
Ok, off to the noise,